RSE Primary & Post Primary/Youth Services

The aim of this programme is to educate young people around the topic of personal development and sexual health to develop a positive and responsible attitude to their own and others’ sexuality.

This programme is available for Primary Schools 5th or 6th class, Post Primary Schools, Youth Services and Community and other sectors and is age appropriate.

Elements of the Primary school programme are: Values of friendship/relationship, Self esteem & peer pressure includes consent, influences & decisions, body changes & body awareness, conception & pregnancy, emotions & feelings, mental health, health & hygiene, exercise and personal safety (including internet/social media safety information).

Elements of the Post Primary/Youth Services programme are: Qualities of a relationship, Sexuality, Healthy & unhealthy relationships, Consent, Contraception includes condom demonstration,  STI’s, Reproductive system & fertility, Pregnancy and birth, teenage/crisis-pregnancy, support services. 

For further information please contact us here